I’m a long-time cyber security nomad, having worked in a number of roles both offensive and defensive, with my most recent role being in Threat Intel.

I love seeing the evolution of Threat Actor TTPs and the ways people devise to detect and mitigate them - it’s like playing 4D chess against an opponent you can’t see, moving pieces you don’t know about.

My goal is to publish regular summaries tailored to Operational folk - both Blue and Red Team. A lot of Threat Intel these days is aimed at selling products or telling you how many ways you can get whacked if you don’t use their MSSP service - that’s not all that useful for the day-to-day, I’ve found.

I’m aiming to help you keep on top of changes in the Threat Landscape - who’s doing what to whom, how and why are they doing it, and what can you do to make sure it doesn’t get to you.

Medium member since June 2024
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